(intro) sometimes, when you go outside, there are these big fluffy white things in the sky. We call them clouds. And even though we think of them as being gaseous, clouds are actually made of condensed water vapor other particles. And clouds can take different forms, depending on factors like altitude and temperature and humidity.
Part1 Frit of all I will take about…..Since there are countless combinations of these conditions, each of which can create different kinds of clouds, meteorologists had to create an extensive classification system for them There are only ten major categories of clouds, based mostly on altitude.
Part2 That’s all I have to say about……. Take lenticular clouds, which look like pancakes stacked into a lens shape -- or maybe like flying saucer, if you squint. These clouds usually form when air hits a vertical barrier, like a mountain peak. The barrier creates circular waves of air around it, generating an effect that’s kind of like throwing a pebble in a pond.
Part3 So much for…..But lenticular clouds don’t have the monopoly on shapes that look like delicious food. Morning glory clouds, which look like long strings of rolling dough, can be 1000 kilometers long and up to two kilometers high, hovering just a few hundred meters above the ground.
Conclusion But if the rainbow is dim, that cloud is ever so slowly doing its part to make us more vulnerable to the sun’s radiation. So feel free to shake your fist at the sky in anger.