Many youths from various environment in the ASEAN join this event and each location has a different surrounding so Ihave a chance to discuss, share and exchange many ideas with other people and I can develop or bring back these ideasto protect or save my environment and society in my country. I can learn many environment problems and solutions tosolve these problems from people joining this event or I can know what the next step is, if I choose this method to protectsome environmental issue because I learn experience from other people who have meet this issue before. I think this partis very important because it is not necessary to trial and error so I can save a lot of time to protect my environment.Connection that I can get from this event is important as when I have a problem about environmental issue in my societyor any place in the world, I can share and discuss to find a suitable solution to solve that problem and I believe thisconnection from this event is not end when this event end but it is still alive forever because everyone has the samedream