• The Audit Committee held five meetings in the year under review. One additional meeting, dealing with
topics of the year under review, took place in February 2016. The Chief Financial Officer and the auditor were
present at all meetings and reported to the committee members in detail.
In addition to the supervision of the accounting process, the committee’s work focused on the comprehensive
review of the first quarter report, the first half year report and the report on the first nine months together
with the Chief Financial Officer and the auditor before the respective dates of publication, also the preliminary
examination of the annual financial statements and the consolidated financial statements for 2014, including the
combined management report of adidas AG and the Group, as well as the Executive Board’s proposal regarding
the appropriation of retained earnings. Following an in-depth review of the audit reports with the auditor, the
committee decided to recommend that the Supervisory Board approve the 2014 annual financial statements
and consolidated financial statements. In addition, after obtaining the auditor’s declaration of independence,
the Audit Committee prepared the Supervisory Board’s proposal to the Annual General Meeting concerning the
selection of the auditor of the annual financial statements and the consolidated financial statements for 2015.
Following extensive discussion by the committee, the priority topics for the audit of the 2015 annual financial
statements and consolidated financial statements were determined and the audit assignment was granted
together with the corresponding audit fee.
• The Audit Committee held five meetings in the year under review. One additional meeting, dealing withtopics of the year under review, took place in February 2016. The Chief Financial Officer and the auditor werepresent at all meetings and reported to the committee members in detail.In addition to the supervision of the accounting process, the committee’s work focused on the comprehensivereview of the first quarter report, the first half year report and the report on the first nine months togetherwith the Chief Financial Officer and the auditor before the respective dates of publication, also the preliminaryexamination of the annual financial statements and the consolidated financial statements for 2014, including thecombined management report of adidas AG and the Group, as well as the Executive Board’s proposal regardingthe appropriation of retained earnings. Following an in-depth review of the audit reports with the auditor, thecommittee decided to recommend that the Supervisory Board approve the 2014 annual financial statementsand consolidated financial statements. In addition, after obtaining the auditor’s declaration of independence,the Audit Committee prepared the Supervisory Board’s proposal to the Annual General Meeting concerning theselection of the auditor of the annual financial statements and the consolidated financial statements for 2015.Following extensive discussion by the committee, the priority topics for the audit of the 2015 annual financialstatements and consolidated financial statements were determined and the audit assignment was grantedtogether with the corresponding audit fee.
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