Let us look at this diagram. If I change the parallel middle body, how it will look? If I change
the pmb, suppose, I want to increase the parallel middle body see, if I have a longer parallel
middle body, it is easier for me to manufacture because I am manufacturing the same section
for a longer length- is it not?- so, I may be tempted from production point of view to increase
the parallel middle body. Let us say, I take it up to here in the forward part, obviously, if I
take it down parallelly to this curve, I will have more volume in there than what is desired so
I cannot do that, what I will have to do is, if I take it out from here, I have to bring it down
somewhere here so that this volume is equal to this volume. Now, which of these curves is
better? This one you mean, this one is better or this one? Let me write 1 and 2- this curve is 1
and this top curve is 2.