“To be accurate, it should be respectful and afraid,” Xiao Yun said, “I heard Father say that the Little Demon Emperor had an air of arrogance, but was also really compassionate. As soon as he was born, he had a fearless personality. Even the previous Demon Emperor couldn’t control him, but the only person he was scared of was his sister… oh, who was also the Little Demon Empress. Little Demon Empress’ profound energy cultivation was always stronger than his, and from youth, she was domineering person. Every time the Little Demon Emperor didn’t behave himself, she would beat him up until he obeyed. Even when the Little Demon Emperor saw the previous Demon Emperor, he would be bossy and tyrannical, but when he saw his sister, he would be docile and obedient, and wouldn’t even dare to breathe. Even our Father would also be well-behaved in front of the Little Demon Empress… I heard from Mother once that back then, Father and the Little Demon Emperor went to the Northern Passes on the spur of the moment, and disappeared for a month without a word. When they came back, the Little Demon Emperor was beaten up by the Little Demon Empress… and Father was beaten up along as well, with more than thirty bones broken, and had to lie in bed for half a month…”