Responsiveness is the relatedness of a response to earlier messages [Dholakia, Zhao, Dholakia and Fortin 2000].
The concept of responsiveness consist of four components in online environment: response probability, response
speed, response relevance, and response elaboration [Wu 2000]. In this study, responsiveness is primary focused on
response probability and speed while personalization deals with response relevance and elaboration in accordance
with Wu [2000].
Personalization reflects the degree to which information or service is tailored to meet the needs of the individual
visitor [Dholakia, Zhao, Dholakia and Fortin 2000].
Ha and James [1998, p. 462] defines connectedness as “the feeling of being able to link to the outside world to
broaden one’s experience easily. In this study, connectedness is defined as “the extent to which users can share
common interest and exchange useful information through such as online community, bulletin board, news group,
online chatting room”. Connectedness reflects social interaction, namely consumer-consumer interaction.