Thank you for your kind information.
What i heard from my friend is,
there are 2 type : first have bedroom + kitchen and second not have kitchen, but price is same.
So, if possible, I wanna see both pics of exterior of the condo and the room inside with kitchen one, cuz of the same price. :)
And If u can get me a special discount, it would be much greater since I am a student in Korea which means.....basically poor like other normal students all over the world.
Finally, I'd like to know how long it takes from the condo to UN ESCAP on foot.
Then, I will be waiting for your pics and additional information about the room.
Oh, additionally, I will find a better and cheaper accommodation. If there is one!
that's very kind of u to say so.
Yeah absolutely, besides The Ratchadamnoen condominium,
If possible, I wanna stay better place with putting a little more money.
And my favoirite must fulfill this,
1) 5~10 min walking distance from UN ESCAP (No transportation)
2) Room WIFI possible
3) Reasonable Price even for the local ppl
1) Free breakfast
2) Pool and/or fitness facility
If u find this kinda place, plz let me know! :)
Oh, and plz Tell me who you are exactly. In Korea we don t see a person who is doing this kinda help.
I am looking forward to hearing you soon.
Thank you.