At the end of the experiment, cumulative spawning
rates were 58% and 88% for shrimp from the CW and BFT treatments,
respectively (p = 0.04). Considering the first spawning rank (Fig. 1B),
the final spawning rate was significantly lower for CW females (48%)
compared to those from the BFT treatment (70%) (p=0.03). However,
for the second (Fig. 1C) spawning rank, the final spawning rate was not
significantly different between treatments, at 10% and 18% for shrimp
from the CW and BFT treatments, respectively (p N 0.05).
At the end of the experiment, cumulative spawningrates were 58% and 88% for shrimp from the CW and BFT treatments,respectively (p = 0.04). Considering the first spawning rank (Fig. 1B),the final spawning rate was significantly lower for CW females (48%)compared to those from the BFT treatment (70%) (p=0.03). However,for the second (Fig. 1C) spawning rank, the final spawning rate was notsignificantly different between treatments, at 10% and 18% for shrimpfrom the CW and BFT treatments, respectively (p N 0.05).
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