My family and I had lived in an apartment forever. Finally one summer we moved into our own home. It took us awhile to get moved in and feel like we had ownership of the place. We could do whatever we wanted, including having a pet, but parents don't like pets,until meet the huge tabby-colored tomcat it a stay
"We aren't keeping that cat," said Mom.our parents wouldn't let us bring the cat inside, which reduced Denise to tears
"The cat is wet and cold, He needs us!” By this time the cat had spent several wet. cold nights outside. Finally our parents relented. Dad said, "Okay, bring the cat onto the porch for the night. But don't let it into the house.”
So, the next morning we packed the cat into the car for a trip to the veterinarianThe veterinarian pronounced the cat healthy but was surprised by the cat's size. "He must weigh more than twenty pounds," she said. Try feeding him twice a day, and see how much he eats.
My sister Let's call him Beau,We often let Beau outside during the day, but he always returned when we called him. "Beau! Beau!" Mysister fed Beau canned cat food morning and night,
Later we learned that one of our neighbors had fed Beau when he was a stray. She didn't know that we had adopted Beau, so she continued to feed him whenever he came by.
Then Beau, who thought watching television was a bad habit, initiated games of hide-and- seek with us at night. Hopping off the couch, he crouched on the carpet in a playful position Then he hid, often behind the couch, and waited to be fished out. His antics mobilized the entire family even Dad as we chased him around the house, searching and laughing.
Finally we had everything a family could possibly want a house of our own, a loving family, and our very own pet, at last.