Firstly, it is an attempt to get a SWOT analysis of rural tourism in Aragon (Spain), using as referential experience the seaside tourism
as and main type of tourism activity developed in Spain. A SWOT analysis on rural tourism cannot be made without considering the seaside tourist phenomenon, as said before. The 60s and 70s based its success on the apparition of the ‘‘sun cult” and its consequent massive occupation of the coastal areas [8]. This classical beach tourism has become obsolete, evidence of it is the available examples in Great Britain [9,10]; Spain [11], Croatia [12] or Italy [13]. Following Sedmak et al. [14], the emergence of new overseas destinations, increased the interest in previously neglected rural and urban destinations. The technological revolution made the competitive struggle for traditionally intra regional European tour- ism more severe, eroding European seaside resorts market share [15]. From an upper level, Public Administration is developing a strategic plan to develop rural tourism as a tool to reach the public policies and economic aims. From a lower level, it is the demand in itself, what requires more than a classical model based on sun and beach. Politicians reject inflexible and non-authentic products developed for mass tourism. They also show opposition to these localizations paying more interest to ethnical heritage and tradition [10]. New values and characteristics are demanded by tourism that tries to avoid an average or standard level. They look for a re- turn to the traditional and typical values different from the new ones, they ask strongly for original values and authenticity