Warning : I will not be held liable for any damage on your device. It may void your warranty.
For kitkat only JB may not work. Before root kindly backup your data.
You need for this rooting method
1. Root z5 kitkat v2
2. Intel driver
3. USB Cable
4. Windows pc
I am using windows 7 for this work.
Root z5 kitkat v2 download link :
Alternate links : 1. http://www.mediafire.com/download/wn...e5KitKatv2.zip
2. https://www.asuswebstorage.com/navig...B621E634114C6Y
Intel driver download link:
1. http://www.mediafire.com/download/4m...Setup1.1.5.exe
2. http://d-h.st/VfO
1. Download first Intel driver on your pc extract it and install it.