Scotiand once, and that was when was hve years old. I didn't draw houses when I was five, I mean that I didn't draw anything that could be shown in a shop-window. PLEssY: Well, the girl in the shop said that you drew it. She said that she knew you, and she gave me your name and address. HELENA: Oh, she certainly knows me, and so it must be something that I drew once. But I didn't draw it in Scotland. How do you know that the house is in Scotland PLEssY: I know because I lived in that house when I was a boy. It's my old home. I was passing the shop and I noticed the drawing among a lot of pictures in the window. Of course, I stopped to look at it. I spent many happy years in that house. HELENA A lot of houses look the same, you know. What kind of house is it? I draw lots of houses. It may be a house somewhere else. Y: No. It's near Ballater. I'm certain that it's