Tofu(soybeancurd) has its origin in ancient China,and has become a popular traditional food stuff in Japan. Today, commercial tofu products are generally classified as Momen,soft, Kinu, and packed, depending on preparation, texture, and composition (1). Most of those tofus are required to be a soft, smooth gel for consumers, and several investigations about the relationship between the processing of tofu and the texture or the rheology have been reported (2-6). On the other hand,ordinary tofu has relatively short shelf-life (generally 2-4 days) even under low temperatures because of its high moisture content (-90%) .In packed tofu several commercial products which have longer shelf-lives compared to conventional ones are now available. They are mainly manufactured by using special aseptic package filling techniques. These aseptically packaged products may be suitable for direct use of tofu,but not for secondary use in various processed foods. Although the authors have no suitable literature to cite,generally, they are manufactured by using retort cooking techniques in which heat-treatments too severe to retain smooth textures are applied for tofus. In our laboratory, it has been already confirmed that a dice-cut tofu manipulated from atypical packed tofu coagulated with glucono-b-lactone (hereafter GDL) decreased in weight and its texture became tough after retort cooking in water(un -publisheddata).