Patients in the intervention group will be offered pain
self-management support by the intervention nurse who
will be required to follow a detailed intervention protocol.
For patients in the intervention group, the intervention
nurse will carry out the first session of the cancer pain
self-management support intervention in the hospital. If a
family caregiver is involved in the patient’s pain self management, they will be invited to participate in the
intervention. The intervention will consist of a face-to-
face session during the inpatient stay, follow-up phone
calls, and face-to-face contacts according to the patient’s
further treatment schedule. Provision of information and
skill building will be provided mainly during the first
session, whereas the nurse coaching component will be
provided mainly after discharge. Patient follow-up will
continue until the pain situation has been stabilized according to a clinical algorithm based on pain intensity,
satisfaction with pain management and adherence to
analgesic medication and recommendations.