My Best Teacher Award want to become a teacher as childhood, i like teachers and want to become a teacher as childhood, Thinking back to the thirteen years I spent in grade school preparing myself for college its hard to pick out one teacher than lwould consider"my best teacher. There are always teachers that stand out for some reason or another, whether it maybe because of their personality, field trips they go on, or all the holiday party fun had in their class However, the teacher that that chose deserving of the My Best Teacher award l still remember because of the care she showed to each of her students through her personality, the field trips she took us on, and the all the fun had in her class This teacher is my first grade teacher, Mrs. Hunter. I moved to my hometown Riverview, Michigan, right before I entered the first grade Going into my first year of school knowing no one was very scary, yet Mrs. Hunter made me feel like fit right in She treated our class like we were apart of her family, which in turn made everyone feel at home and get along without the usual school cliques.