the next morning before her fathe went to his garage Matilda secretly took his har and put a tine of glue roun the inside It was very strong glue Mr wormwood didn't notice anything when he put the hat on but when he got to the garage he couldn't
take it off He had to keep his hat on all day and people thought it was very strange. When he got home that evening his wife said come here I'll take it off for you And she pulled the hat hard stop he screamed you'll the skin my head did your head get bigger daddy asked Matilda Shut up said her father He had to keep his hat on all through supper Later his wife watched him as he went round the bedroom in his purple pyjamas with his hat on his hed and thought How stupid he looks
In the morning she cut the off his head She had to cut the hair down to the skin which left a white ring and bits of brown hat round his head You must try to get them off daddy Matilda said to him at breakfast They look like little brown flies Be quiet shouted her father It was quiet for about a week after this Then one evening Mr Wormwood arrived home from the garage with a face as dark and angry as a storm cloud.
Matilda was reading in a corner of the living - room Mr wormwood switched the Tv on to the noisiest programme that he could find then looked angrily at his daughter Don't you ever stop reading ? he shouted at her Did you have a good day daddy she asked nicely What's this stupid book he said and pulled it out of her hands. It isn't stupid daddy said Matilda It's
about I don't want to know what it's about shouted Mr Wormwood Go and find something useful to do and he began to pull the pages out of the book Matilda was frightened That's a library book she said I have to return it to Mrs Phelps Then you' ll have to buy a new one for your dear Mrs Phelps, won't you said her father He dropped the last few pages on to the floor and walked out of the room Matilda did not cry she sat very still for several minutes A plan began to grow inside her head But an important question