Evaluating the Results
One end-state vision after implementing the strategic marketing process is for employees to unite and work collectively on all projects. Cross-functional teams should become the norm of the company. The case study explains that employee morale is low because of finger pointing, lack of communication, and lack of unity. Classic Airlines must implement internal marketing strategies to assist the employees. The end-state goal is for job satisfaction to be high. A metric that can be used would be a bi-annually job appraisal and a convenient suggestion box. The target would be for 100% of the employees to be satisfied with job duties and requirements. This would help retain employees and would attract new employees to the company. By using a suggestion box or other anonymous option, the company may be able to get more honest or direct feedback. “Employees may be encouraged to suggest new-product ideas through suggestion boxes or contests” (Kerin et al., 2006). Management could also attempt to contac