Higher-quality preschool programs have larger impacts on children’s development while
children are enrolled in the program and are more likely to create gains that are sustained
after the child leaves preschool. Process quality features—children’s immediate experience
of positive and stimulating interactions—are the most important contributors to children’s
gains in language, literacy, mathematics and social skills. Structural features of quality (those
features of quality that can be changed by structuring the setting differently or putting
different requirements for staff in place, like group size, ratio, and teacher qualifications)
help to create the conditions for positive process quality, but do not ensure that it will occur
Higher-quality preschool programs have larger impacts on children’s development whilechildren are enrolled in the program and are more likely to create gains that are sustainedafter the child leaves preschool. Process quality features—children’s immediate experienceof positive and stimulating interactions—are the most important contributors to children’sgains in language, literacy, mathematics and social skills. Structural features of quality (thosefeatures of quality that can be changed by structuring the setting differently or puttingdifferent requirements for staff in place, like group size, ratio, and teacher qualifications)help to create the conditions for positive process quality, but do not ensure that it will occur
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