A World Language
Today over a billion people around the world speak English. English words are part of our lives: We wear "jjeans," listen to music on a "CD," eat a "hhamburger," turn on the "TV," and go to the "sshopping center.
Actually, English has words from two hundred languages or more. A large number of these words are from French. Do you know about the Norman invasion of England in 1066? That's why so many words come from France. Here are examples of words from other languages in English: You eat"port"(French/Latin), you study "math"(Greek), go to a "kindergarten"(German), wash your hair with "sshampoo"(HHindu, from lndia), and so on.
There are many varieties of English too, but British English and American English are the most common kinds. American English and British English are not always a like, either. Look at the following list of words: