As a reporter If senior politicians have an incestuous relationship. And I should do it or not, in my opinion, I would do next. The journalist, I have the right and duty to expose the facts to the public. Even government agencies are trying to conceal it or not. To benefit the public
, but must do it carefully. I write to correct after the fact. And ethically correct media. And morality I write not affect the privacy of politicians, too. Of course, people are interested in the relationship of the couple. However, it must be in the frame Do not cross the line too Because he was a high-ranking politicians. I do not make it corrupt. In Thailand, it is a very influential politician. We must be very careful to do a hand holding. The news may come back to break the news release do not
disclose the name and position of the person who gave the news in some cases may affect the welfare and safety of him like he was a key witness in the case. Anonymous The defendant may or opponents of the government and it was malice. Or in some cases Anonymity would give him no trouble. Case information The interview will affect his career.