Second,
there
is
another
group
of
people
who
argue
that
these
virtues
are
merely
formal
refinements
that
are
useless
in
dealing
with
hunger
and
cold.
…
[Yet]
when
these
virtues
prevail,
even
if
food
and
clothing
are
insufficient,
they
can
be
produced
by
human
labor;
or,
if
the
granary
is
empty,
it
can
be
filled
through
human
effort.
On
the
other
hand,
when
these
virtues
are
not
observed,
if
food
and
clothing
are
insufficient,
they
will
not
be
made
sufficient
by
fighting
and
robbing;
or,
if
the
granary
is
empty,
it
will
not
be
filled
by
stealing
and
begging.