Nevertheless, the process–outcome link remains inconclusive (see also Weiss, 2012). As such, our results encourage a
discussion of the rationale that underlies the direct context–outcome link. Particularly, intercultural theory, which has
illuminated the context–process link, cannot explain our findings, which may be operating according to a more complex
mechanism, complemented by social identity theory. Social identity theory (e.g., King, Hebl, & Beal, 2009; Tajfel & Turner,
1986) assumes that group membership breeds a strong sense of internal togetherness (in-group identification) and external
separation (out-group differentiation). In early experiments, Tajfel (1970) demonstrated the strong power of ad hoc group
membership. Apparently, team membership at the bargaining table falls into the same category. Cultural moderators can
exploit their proximity to their negotiation counterpart, exclusively for the benefit of the team to which they belong. A
positive relationship between team togetherness and team performance also has appeared in prior literature (e.g., Backhaus
et al., 2008). Fig. 5 summarizes the separate effects we established with respect to (1) the context–process link and (2) the
context–outcome link.