Moreover, people in the EU have a strong belief in the need for the
appropriate handling of this type of waste. The high level of
awareness and harsh legal provisions and measures are the reason
for the exploration of appropriate technologies for disposing of
medical waste. Some of the most advanced elements of waste
management are the thermal conversion processes of waste, which
involve the oxidation of waste through incineration, gasification or
distribution (such as pyrolysis). The main advantages of this type of
process are as follows:
- the possibility of converting waste into a safe form;
- significant reduction in its weight and volume;
- the possibility of recovering substantial levels of heat.
In the case of waste with a high calorific value, such as plastic or
medical waste (medical waste also includes a high plastic element
content (Lee et al., 1991)), the process of thermal disposal involves
gasification or pyrolysis. These processes (Miranda et al., 2013) and
their detailed reaction mechanisms and simulation models,
including the elimination of redundant species and reactions, rate-
of products and reaction flux analysis and uncertainty analysis,