Data Collection
The trainees were given the surveys three times throughout the study. The first was completed the morning of the
first day of new employee orientation training, but prior to the start of the orientation. The second was completed
after the second day, or at the end of the training. The third was completed approximately one month after the last
day of the training. The first and second surveys were distributed manually to participants by the researchers.
Participants were asked to complete and return the survey immediately (respondents were given 15 minutes during
the orientation to do so). The third survey was sent via interoffice mail to all participants in the training. Participants
were asked to complete the survey and return it within a week of receipt to the researchers via a confidential return
envelope. In order to be able to match the three surveys from each respondent yet keep respondents anonymous, a
coding system was used. Participants were asked to mark each survey they completed with a pass code consisting of
their date of birth and the first letters of their mother’s and father’s first names. The use of this pass code allowed the
researchers to match the first, second, and third surveys by respondent without knowing who the respondent was.