Wait a minute said Professor Brainy. I have an idea. The Computer in his started to make some noises. I need some paper and a pan. The kite was in a paper bag said Harry. Use this . There’s a pen in your pocket. The Professor listened to the noises the computer was making. Than he started to write something on the paper. The noises stopped. The inventor gave the paper to Harry.
Harry goes home
Can you go home on the bicycle said the Professor and make this for me?. Harry said he could. You will need some *rope the inventor added. And bring the ladder you made for the two robbers. It was too thin for them, but we will be able to use it. I will do it as quickly as possible, said Harry.He got on the bike and rode away.
He came back about an hour later. The Professor was sitting under the tree, wearing his hat. Harry thought that the Professor was asleep.
Up in the tree Reg was trying to talk to two little birds. Wake up,Professor said Harry.I have all the things you wanted. Oh, yes good said Professor Brainy. I was not asleep, I was listening to my computer. He stood up. I see you have made the machine. Good.
Harry was carrying something with wheels on it.
‘Those are *pulleys, said the Professor ‘ Have you got the rope?The rope was on the bike, tied round the ladder. Herry put all the things on the ground. How to we get all these up to Reg? he asked. We know the ladder is not strong enough. The Professor did not say anything. He picked up a piece of wood and put it across another piece. This made a sort of *see-saw. The inventor put the pulleys and rope on one end. Now,Harry he said you are heavier than I am.Will you please jump on the other end of the see-saw? Harry looked
Wait a minute said Professor Brainy. I have an idea. The Computer in his started to make some noises. I need some paper and a pan. The kite was in a paper bag said Harry. Use this . There’s a pen in your pocket. The Professor listened to the noises the computer was making. Than he started to write something on the paper. The noises stopped. The inventor gave the paper to Harry.
Harry goes home
Can you go home on the bicycle said the Professor and make this for me?. Harry said he could. You will need some *rope the inventor added. And bring the ladder you made for the two robbers. It was too thin for them, but we will be able to use it. I will do it as quickly as possible, said Harry.He got on the bike and rode away.
He came back about an hour later. The Professor was sitting under the tree, wearing his hat. Harry thought that the Professor was asleep.
Up in the tree Reg was trying to talk to two little birds. Wake up,Professor said Harry.I have all the things you wanted. Oh, yes good said Professor Brainy. I was not asleep, I was listening to my computer. He stood up. I see you have made the machine. Good.
Harry was carrying something with wheels on it.
‘Those are *pulleys, said the Professor ‘ Have you got the rope?The rope was on the bike, tied round the ladder. Herry put all the things on the ground. How to we get all these up to Reg? he asked. We know the ladder is not strong enough. The Professor did not say anything. He picked up a piece of wood and put it across another piece. This made a sort of *see-saw. The inventor put the pulleys and rope on one end. Now,Harry he said you are heavier than I am.Will you please jump on the other end of the see-saw? Harry looked
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