Many extensive studies have been carried out to the problem of enhancing productivity, effectiveness and efficiency of single-basin solar stills. Solar still with sponge cubes in basin is studied by Bassam & Hamzeh (2003). Hiroshi Tanaka (2009) constructed a basin type solar still with internal and external reflectors. Tiwari et al. (2003) used a multi wick solar still with electrical blower. Jim et al. (1981) used a multiple tray tilted still. John Ward (2003) designed a solar water purifier. Tiris et al. (1998) conducted experiments on two flat plate solar collectors integrated with a basin type solar still. Performance study on solar still with enhanced condensation was studied by Kumar & Kasturibai (2008). Hussaini & Smith (1995) studied the effect of applying vacuum inside the solar still. Gnanadason et al. (2012) use suspensions containing nanometer-sized particles in vacuum solar water still (nanofluids).