MSc in Education (Child Development and Education)
About the course
The MSc Education (Child Development and Education) is unique in offering a combination of a strong research basis with recognised expertise in applied research and policy. It aims to promote critical understanding of developmental theories and research and the use of this knowledge in the design and evaluation of programmes aimed at promoting children’s development and education.
The course is aimed at promoting reflection and discussion about how theories of child development inform practice and how challenges faced in educational and care settings call for further theoretical and research enquiry.
In this full-time, one year master’s course, you will participate in lectures, seminars, workshops and field work for your master's dissertation, all of which provide rich opportunities for you to deepen your understanding of child development theories and their use in making decisions about children. A practicum about assessing and promoting children’s literacy in pre- and primary school will expand your knowledge of tools for research and their design. In discussions with your supervisor you will choose a topic for your master's project.
The course is examined through written assignments and a research dissertation.
Graduate destinations
Education graduates go on to a range of policy, professional and academic careers. A significant number continue to doctoral research in the department.
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Changes to the course
The University will seek to deliver this course in accordance with the description set out in this course page. However, there may be situations in which it is desirable or necessary for the University to make changes in course provision, either before or after registration. For further information, please see our page on changes to courses.