(3) Organizational Commitment Scale
We refer to Wang, M. J.& Cho ,K. H.(2010), and Chang, S. Z.(2007)and modify our Organizational
Commitment Scale. The results of this scale can divide into three dimensions, team recognition, willingness to
take efforts and decision to stay in the team. There are 5 questions to team recognition, 5 questions to willingness
to take efforts, 5 questions to decision to stay in the team and total in 15 questions. The result of Organizational
Commitment Scale is presented as six-point scale. In exploratory factor analysis, we found out that the explained
variances for team recognition are 9.11%, for willingness to take efforts are 44.97%, and for decision to stay in
the team are 6.55%. The overall explained variances are 60.63%. Regards to reliability, the internal consistency
of each dimension is .87 in team recognition, .85 for willingness to take efforts, and .61 for decision to stay in
the team. The overall value of Cronbach’s α is .80 which shows the internal consistency of the overall scale and
each scale of this questionnaire is good. The reliability is good.
(3) Organizational Commitment Scale
We refer to Wang, M. J.& Cho ,K. H.(2010), and Chang, S. Z.(2007)and modify our Organizational
Commitment Scale. The results of this scale can divide into three dimensions, team recognition, willingness to
take efforts and decision to stay in the team. There are 5 questions to team recognition, 5 questions to willingness
to take efforts, 5 questions to decision to stay in the team and total in 15 questions. The result of Organizational
Commitment Scale is presented as six-point scale. In exploratory factor analysis, we found out that the explained
variances for team recognition are 9.11%, for willingness to take efforts are 44.97%, and for decision to stay in
the team are 6.55%. The overall explained variances are 60.63%. Regards to reliability, the internal consistency
of each dimension is .87 in team recognition, .85 for willingness to take efforts, and .61 for decision to stay in
the team. The overall value of Cronbach’s α is .80 which shows the internal consistency of the overall scale and
each scale of this questionnaire is good. The reliability is good.
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