Advances in Industrialized Rice
Production Research
To widen the new way of thinking and to explore a new technology of rice planting, industrialized
rice production is an advanced rice planting method. All processes of rice growth were finished in
factory and they provided proper growth conditions (including light, CO2 concentration, temperature,
moisture and minerals) on the base of different growth stages. This paper illustrated the
theory of rice growth in factory, the processes of rice cultivation and fundamental structure of rice
factory. It combined natural conditions with artificial environment to create an ideal rice growing
environment. Rice cultivation’s cycle in factory was shortened and normally one day was divided
into 2 - 3 special days. It could be continuous production and prevented rice planting from being
affected by external conditions. Industrialized rice makes full use of energy on the basis of sunray
and artificial supplies to increase the rice yield and it will start a revolution of rice planting and
solve the problem of food safety.
4. Conclusions
This paper illustrated the theory of rice growth in factory, the processes of rice cultivation and fundamental
structure of rice factory. By building a rice factory, an ideal growth circumstance of rice cultivation is realized,
and the architecture of artificial light control system based on context-awareness is established to provide the
appropriate amount of supplemental lighting on the basis of the stages of growth. The energy supply relies on
sunray and artificial supplement which provides proper illumination.
Industrialized rice production brings new insight in technology of rice planting. It controls natural conditions
J. Ma et al.
by combining artificial approach and natural conditions to create an ideal environment for rice growing. Proper
light, CO2 concentration, temperature, moisture and minerals are provided and changed according to the different
growth periods. Most important of all, one normal day is divided into 2 - 3 special days in factory. And it
promotes rice’s photosynthetic rate and shortened the growth cycle. Industrialized rice production prevented rice
planting from being affected by external conditions and favorable conditions are provided. It raises efficiency of
solar energy, increases the unit area rice yield, and can be continuous production. Thus, industrialized rice production
may start a revolution of rice planting. Meanwhile, the rice factory ideal parameters are not complete
and the huge energy supply is still a big issue. We should improve it constantly to make it economic and popular.
Advances in Industrialized RiceProduction ResearchTo widen the new way of thinking and to explore a new technology of rice planting, industrializedrice production is an advanced rice planting method. All processes of rice growth were finished infactory and they provided proper growth conditions (including light, CO2 concentration, temperature,moisture and minerals) on the base of different growth stages. This paper illustrated thetheory of rice growth in factory, the processes of rice cultivation and fundamental structure of ricefactory. It combined natural conditions with artificial environment to create an ideal rice growingenvironment. Rice cultivation’s cycle in factory was shortened and normally one day was dividedinto 2 - 3 special days. It could be continuous production and prevented rice planting from beingaffected by external conditions. Industrialized rice makes full use of energy on the basis of sunrayand artificial supplies to increase the rice yield and it will start a revolution of rice planting andsolve the problem of food safety.4. ConclusionsThis paper illustrated the theory of rice growth in factory, the processes of rice cultivation and fundamentalstructure of rice factory. By building a rice factory, an ideal growth circumstance of rice cultivation is realized,and the architecture of artificial light control system based on context-awareness is established to provide theappropriate amount of supplemental lighting on the basis of the stages of growth. The energy supply relies onsunray and artificial supplement which provides proper illumination.Industrialized rice production brings new insight in technology of rice planting. It controls natural conditions J. Ma et al.1206by combining artificial approach and natural conditions to create an ideal environment for rice growing. Properlight, CO2 concentration, temperature, moisture and minerals are provided and changed according to the differentgrowth periods. Most important of all, one normal day is divided into 2 - 3 special days in factory. And itpromotes rice’s photosynthetic rate and shortened the growth cycle. Industrialized rice production prevented riceplanting from being affected by external conditions and favorable conditions are provided. It raises efficiency ofsolar energy, increases the unit area rice yield, and can be continuous production. Thus, industrialized rice productionmay start a revolution of rice planting. Meanwhile, the rice factory ideal parameters are not completeand the huge energy supply is still a big issue. We should improve it constantly to make it economic and popular.
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