There is more to being healthy than 6 Whether or not your body is a
just not getting sick. Being healthy means healthy weight can be determined by keeping your body working as efficiently examining your body's composition. Body as possible. A healthy body is an important composition is the percentage of fat,
part of an overall healthy lifestyle. bone, and muscle in the human body. A
2 Good hygiene is one practice that will healthy body will have a higher percentage help keep you healthy. Keeping your body of muscle and a lower percentage of fat. clean, including your hair, your teeth, and Monitoring your body composition is ,ane your nails, is part of good hygiene. An way to monitor your health and fitness. important part of hygiene is keeping your 7 Good nutrition is another healthful hands clean. This may mean washing them habit. Eating the right foods provides
often to prevent spreading germs. energy for your body so that you can
3 You also need to keep your body fit. perform everyday functions. Nutrition is You can do this by exercising and staying the study of the relationship between diet active. One form of exercise is aerobic and health. It is important to eat a variety exercise. Aerobic activity req,uires your of foods in reasonable portions in order to body to use a lot of oxygen. Running get proper nutrition for your body. You can or playing soccer makes you breathe use the MyPyramid plan published by the harder, which means you are taking in United States Department of Agriculture more oxygen. Aerobic exercise increases (USDA) as a guide for making healthful your heart rate as well. Because they use food choices.
oxygen, most aerobic activities can be 8 You can get the vitamins, minerals,
done for extended periods of time. When and other nutrients that your body needs your body is using a lot of oxygen, your by eating a variety of foods. The best way muscles are able to work for extended to do this is to start the day by eating periods because they can use the oxygen breakfast. Eating a healthful breakfast
to get energy. Aerobic exercise is good for gives your body the energy and nutrients
strengthening your heart and lungs. it needs.
4 Anaerobic exercise is activity that does 9 Good sleeping habits are also an not req,uire the cells in your muscles to use important part of healthful living. It is txygen. Anaerobic exercise helps build difficult for your body to grow and to fight muscle mass. Lifting weights and yoga are off illness when you don't get enough sleep. examples of anaerobic exercise. Because Some studies show that heart disease and anaerobic exercise does not use oxygen, diabetes can be linked to lack of sleep.
it creates a waste product that builds up 10 It is also important to stay away from
in your muscles. This causes your muscles harmful substances, such as tobacco,
to become sore. Muscles can only handle alcohol, and drugs. Choosing to stay away a certain amount of the waste product, so from these things and choosing to make anaerobic exercise can be done only for good hygiene, exercise, and good nutrition short periods. a part of your everyday life will start you
5 There are many benefits to being active on your way to healthful living.
and exercising your body. One benefit of exercise is that lJOU burn calories. Burning excess calories can help keep you at a healthy weight.