At a fixed hot-pressing temperature, the heating value of the
briquette increases with increase in the percentage of the rice bran.For example, at a fixed hot-pressing temperature of 150 °C, the heating
value of the briquette increases from 18.2 to 18.6 MJ/kg as the
percentage of the rice bran increases from 20% (B18) to 40% (B23).
This result is probably attributed to the fact that the heating value of
the rice bran is higher than that of the rice straw. Therefore, a certain
percentage of the rice bran (such as 20%, or 40%) is able to not only
promote the densification of the biomass briquette, but also facilitate
the heating value of the briquette. Consequently, the technology
presented herein to prepare the biomass briquettes made from rice
straws with (or without) the binder (such as rice bran) is valuable to
the area that the rice straw is one of the major biomass wastes.