Each of the seven graduate students who were registered during the fall 2005 semester were contacted and informed of the purpose of the study. All seven were willing to participate, so appointments were scheduled and semi-structured interviews with the students were conducted in February 2006. The interviews lasted from half an hour to approximately an hour. The first portion of the interviews was devoted to background items such as questions regarding students’ age, languages spoken, language teaching experience, and prior experience with research. The major aim of the interviews was to investigate the students’ reactions to the course; therefore, the second portion of the interviews consisted of questions concerning the students’ views about the course content, readings, and assignments, in addition to questions regarding whether the course has changed the students’ view of research, and if so, how; whether they have learned anything in the course that they consider valuable; how they chose the topics for their research proposals; whether they will be investigating the same topics in their theses. The questions used as prompts for the interviews appear in Appendix B.