Hi my Som, how's my beautiful girl and baby today? I know today you learn English. For you and me can understand each other more. And I look forwards to learning Thai with you. I'm sorry today I could not talk very much. Many customers called. Work was very busy. Honey I know we miss each other so much. Every night I go to bed but I am sad because no one for me to hold. I dream all the time of when I can kiss you and hug you and make beautiful love with each other. Now I hope you are doing good and feeling okay. But if you feel a little sick or a little dizziness and are very hungry I think this is very good. It could mean our baby is inside you and letting you know what he or she needs to be strong and beautiful like you and me. I pray to God that someday we will have our baby and will be happy and healthy. Hope to hear from you soon. Your husband, father of your children, and one and only true love, Timmy.
P.S. You still owe me one sexy picture in either bikini or lingerie either one would be wonderful just like you. Love you forever, Timmy.