According to the estimates in each area of the province, which can be collected there are 5,200 rais of land of Virginia tobacco cultivation and 360 of interested farmers who peel dry cortex of tobacco stalk to me. Total production can be estimated of 15,000 kg(15tons) to achieve productivity goals. An in order to implement this project I would like to indicate the procedures as follows:
- Explore the area of Virginia tobacco cultivation in each province in northern.
- Survey farmers who cultivate tobacco and communicate with their agents to promote and get them aware of Company’s representative who is interested in buying dry cortex from potential provinces.
- Meet with interested local farmers to instruct them the way to peel dry cortex of tobacco stalk and the way to dry property in order get a high yield and lower waste of dry cortex.
As per the above plans, it is estimated that in 2015 we will implement to achieve 15,000 kg of dry cortex of tobacco stalk.