4.The European city. Founded primarily in Southern and Eastern Africa, for example Nairobi, Lusaka and Johannesburg, these settlements were established by and princi-pally for Europeans. African in-migration and permanent residence were constrained, subject to the labour requirements of the Europeans. Normally the African population lived in segregated areas on the urban fringe (see the following discussion of the apartheid city).
5.The dual city. In a dual city, two or more of the above types are combined, as in Kano, where a walled Islamic city is surrounded by a modern colonial-type city, or Khartoum-Omdurman, where the Islamic and colonial city elements are separated by the River Nile.
6.The hybrid city. A hybrid city is one that comprises indigenous and alien elements in rouehlyequal proportions (as in the dual city) but in which the parts are integrated. This urban type has increased since decolonisation as cities expand and become more integrated. Examples include Accra, Kumasi and Lagos.