(Table 2). True-positive results were defined as being concordant with the results from the enhanced reference method that demonstrated an infection due to Cryptococcus spp. by a positive fungal culture and/or a positive histopathology or cytology finding. Of the 29 LFA-positive results, 22 were deemed to be true positives. False-positive results
were found in 3 sera and 1 CSF from 4 HIV-negative patients.
The true positivity of 3 sera from 3 separate HIV-positive patients could not be determined due to lack of culture, cytology, and histopathology results.
Thus, theywere excluded fromthe study analysis for the purpose of calculating the LFA's performance characteristics. Based on the discrepant
analysis, the sensitivity remained at 100% while there was an improvement
in specificity from 97.0% to 99.6%