A selection and evaluation of 7 LAB isolates from poultry
carcasses was carried out during this study. They all presented
potential inhibitory activity against Salmonella and Listeria along
with psychrotrophic characteristics necessary for their use as
protective cultures. Their ribosomal DNA identification revealed
isolates belonging to different genera and species, namely L. salivarius,
L. reuteri, Lactobacillus johnsonii, P. acidilactici, and L. paralimentarius.
Their potential for safe use was also confirmed in terms
of the absence of production of the biogenic amines tyramine and
histamine. The identification of these isolates was found to be less
reliable based on their biochemical profile compared to their
ribosomal DNA profile. The phenotypic variability of LAB in
combination with the limited database for these species limits the
identification accuracy of API CH 50 micro kits and other phenotypic
identification methods. However, initial selection of LAB
showing biopreservative activity should be based on both ribosomal
DNA identification and API since it is possible that isolates
belonging to the same species could present different biochemical