Grouping of mungbean accessions by using multivariate techniques is useful for germplasm collection and utilization. Based on UPGMA cluster analysis, the germplasm of 340 mungbean accessions were classified into six groups with two outliers. Each cluster comprised accessions from unique origins. Mungbean from India and West Asia were present in all clusters. Since cluster analysis classified accessions into groups based on phenotypic similarity, certain distinct accessions from the same origin may not have been included in the same cluster. In this study, mungbean accessions from both India and West Asia showed a broad and overlapping distribution. Indian accessions comprised some accessions in a similar position on the PCA plot as West Asian accessions. This happened partly due to a large number of accessions coming from these 2 origins, and yet high genetic diversity existed in them. Previous studies using molecular techniques revealed high genetic diversity in mungbean from India and West Asia (Tomooka et al., 1991 and Sangsiri et al., 2007). Hence, germplasm from these origins should be given priority in collection, conservation and utilization.