response of Citrus species to culture media are
probably genetically determined.
It is obvious from the present work, that half
strength MS media supplemented with BA at
1.0 mg l-1 induced the formation of somatic
embryos (Fig. 1d, e). The importance of the
benzyl adenine for the induction of somatic
embryo has also been reported by Praveen et
al. (2003) for Kinnow mandarin.
Embryo germination and maturation occurred
on half strength MS medium supplemented
with BA at 1.0 mg l-1 and 2,4-D at 5.0 mg l-1.
Similar results were obtained by Miah et al.
(2002) for Citrus macroptera and Bhargara et
al. (2003) for date palm, who showed the
importance of benzyl adenine and auxins, for
embryo germination and maturation. After
embryo germination and maturation, they were