8. Important characteristics of the Family
Support Center
In order for the Family Support Model to
function effectively, it must embrace certain
important characteristics. These include both
organizational characteristics as well as qualities
or characteristics of the staff. Organizationally,
the Family Support Center must be visible to
both the professional medical community and the
lay public. The center recently has enhanced its
visibility and accessibility by building a window
so that the resource library can be viewed from
the hall where it is located, and by placing signs
and a book drop slot in a strategic location. An
unanticipated benefit from these changes was an
increase in the number of physicians who drop in
seeking assistance with caregiving needs in their
own families. This provides an opportunity to
demonstrate on a personal level what we can
offer their patients.
Location, of course, is not the only key to
accessibility. On-going advertising of the center
and its programs is necessary both internally
within the medical center and outside to physicians,
community service programs and the public
through advertising.
In the fast-paced world of medicine, it is
critical to stay abreast of the latest developments
in medical research, technology and educational
approaches. Medical knowledge is advancing at
astronomical rates. In order to provide useful
information for health consumers, it is critical
that printed materials be kept current. While the
staff of the center are not medical experts, they
must be attentive to new developments in health
care. Reading literature on the latest research
findings on maintaining health and treating illness
is an important responsibility for the staff of
the center.
It is equally important to maintain personal
communication with physicians. The Family Support
Center originally was located in a tertiary
facility, and staff worked primarily with neurologists,
oncologists, and other specialists. Currently,
there is an emphasis on communication
with primary care physicians as well. Ways to link
with medical clinics programmatically through
placement of educational materials in physician
offices, and technologically through computers
are being explored. The center also maintains a
Medical Advisory Committee to maintain communication
with physicians.
Technology can be a valuable tool to disseminate
up-to-date information to lay consumers. It
offers the opportunity to effectively achieve the
goal of an educated healthy lay public through
the use of the latest in technology and through
innovations in educational approaches. In
Oregon, for example, a statewide broadcasting
technology has developed which allows educational
programs to be delivered to rural communities.
On a smaller scale, videotapes offer a
useful educational medium which individuals can
view at the center or borrow for more convenient
home viewing.
Staying abreast of state-of-the art educational
approaches also helps the center to achieve its
goals. The center’s interest in efficacy-based
education, for example, derives from our participation
in and monitoring of patient and caregiver
education research. The principles of efficacy-based training are woven into the programs
available through the center, as well as
defining the staff’s approach to working with
individuals and families.