Another comment on documentation is the lack of a standard format across ASEAN.
For crossing the border, two different sets of documentation (import and export) are
required for customs clearance. Different countries have different documentation
templates and working languages (English, Thai) and this makes the process tedious
and difficult and results in inefficiency in cross-border trade.
4.1.2 Burdensome inspection requirements. WTO standards require that
approximately 1 per cent of goods to be inspected during shipment. Inspection is,
however, done at the discretion of the customs officials depending upon the type of
goods shipped. Many customs officials are inconsistent in goods inspection. As a result,
the LSPs do not really know when goods will be inspected. When there is a probability of
smuggling or that the goods being shipped are of high value, customs officials conduct a
thorough inspection of the goods. Moreover, since duties and taxes serve as a form of
govt revenue, the govt is protective of imports. The free movement of goods thus
contradicts with the government’s goal of extracting revenue from imports.