The economic policies of the US government. After the Asian crisis And global trade imbalance With various measures By stimulating the consumption of Americans. It led to the rise of low quality or subprime real estate loans. Although the debt risk. It is a way to finance speculation
"subprime" effect since mid-2007, with US financial institutions. A group of debtors "Subprime"
loans "subprime" is a credit to debtors with bad credit history. Or lending to individuals are expected to default. The loans and loans for housing (Subprime Mortgages) loans (Subprime Car Loans) Credit card (Subprime Credit Cards) on high-risk loans. The interest charge is indeed higher than normal receivables. Or if paid before the deadline will have to pay fines than to convert debt into equity. Spin profitable investment that has been popular in the US for many years was the "Asset Capitalization" or Securitization form "Asset Capitalization" is happening in the US innovation is the introduction of the "Mortgage" is included. Offering together into financial instruments with those securities guaranteed Mortgage-Backed Securities called (MBS) MBS is also part of the CDO (Collateralized Debt Obligations), which is a financial instrument that is secured. Caused by a combination of bonds and loans in MBS or CDO is divided into sections (Tranches) different in time of maturity and interest rate risk. High Returns And more easily make a lot of speculation. The subprime loans were converted into financial instruments. While the subprime credit losses. Or debt default increased, according to the US economy. The recession began Moreover, The resulting derivatives called Credit Default Swaps (CDS), which is like buying insurance one. It is a contract between two parties, the buyer will pay the seller a fixed rate basis. In exchange for the right to receive compensation. If bankruptcy Or have the ability to repay the "third person or entity reference" (Reference Entity) investment in CDS will stop at the hedging only. But a "risk" that no one wants to see. You can make more money. Become a product for speculation. Because the purchase contract and a cascade. The company was rated credibility with financial institutions, investment banking or financial institutions to invest Investment Banking at "Lehman Brother's" involvement in the CDS of contract value to be guaranteed. Up to 800 000 million US dollars As with AIG, or American International Group (AIG), which holds both the CDO and CDS when the debtor is unable to pay its debts. There is not enough money to pay into the system are planned. Finally, Lehman Brothers must be "bankrupt" the AIG must pay the US government to hold to wait siphoning find new shareholders phenomenon of "Lehman Brothers" The obvious is there. Debt to equity incredibly high level since 2003, with debt over equity to 23.7 times to 30.7 times higher in 2007 because of lower interest rates. This allows financial institutions to lend to the real estate sector and the types of instruments to promote related activities such as the issuance of the property as collateral. (Mortgage-backed securities) and securities lending to the property sector as a cdo (collateralized debt obligation), the monetary policy of the US in the past set out at low interest. The US central bank is not to supervise and control the lending and securitization of financial institutions in any way. Low interest rates also allow people generally have access to credit, a number of priorities. The public is being encouraged to increase debt to expand spending rules that are conducive to debt, making Lehman and AIG's capital to be rotated for maximum revenue, so there is a problem.