This case is designed to bring to life some of the pressures auditors and other young professionals
can face early in their careers. The case can be used as a vehicle for discussing a variety of issues,
including budget pressure, eating hours, premature sign-off, dealing with difficult political situations,
and dealing tactfully with superiors. The case can also lead to a discussion of balancing personal life
with professional demands. While there are no easy answers to the issues raised in the case, the
issues are realistic and are worth raising to help students more effectively anticipate, plan for, and
manage future challenges. Students will likely appreciate the instructor’s perspective on the issues.
It may even be worthwhile to invite a professional or two to assist in the classroom discussion of
the case and to provide their perspectives on the issues raised. The instructor should help students
understand that while the issues raised by the case are very real, it is unlikely that a staff auditor would
encounter all of the issues discussed, especially all in the same day. The case is simply designed to
illustrate and raise for discussion a rich set of issues in a compact format.