she found two problems to answer in the analysis. First is what figurative languages are found in Westlife’s songs on Coast to Coast album. And the second one is what are the messages of the songs in Westlife’s songs on Coast to Coast album. This study uses qualitative approach. The data sources used in this study are the lyrics of the 19 songs of Westlife boyband on Coast to Coast album. This study uses the theory of figurative language by Keraf (1991) and Perrine (1969). The result reveals that there are figurative languages found in Westlife’s songs on Coast to Coast album. Those figurative languages are divided into simile, metaphor, personification, irony, allusion, synecdoche, and hyperbole and there is no metonymy at all. The result reveals that there are figurative languages found in Westlife’s songs on Coast to Coast album. There are also its messages of each song that was shown by the used of figurative language. The writer hopes that the future writers understand the theory of stylistics, especially about figurative language and its meaning to understand what is the contents of the song and also its messages