Heh. All in a days work." Red Hood muttered proudly to himself before glancing back at his ex-mentor battling Poison Ivy with darts and smoke pellets. Not to mention a few batarangs here and there...
"Are you sure it isn't you who is getting a bit rusty Bats?" He snickered, holding up a gun to shoot the ever growing vines which were getting dangerously close to the roof. Soon they'd probably bust out and cause even more havoc.
"Hood. Civilians." Batman commanded.
Hood clicked his tongue against his teeth to make a tsk before turning to where he supposed the children were... only to find them all gone.
"They're kinda' missing."
Batman gets dangerously close to Poison Ivy, and right as she was about to say something wickedly clever, he knocks her out with a knee to the stomach.
"Could've... ended better." She gasped before falling to the floor.
Groups of officers stormed the cafeteria and held their guns straight at the Batman and Red Hood. Both heroes glanced at each other before Batman threw a smoke grenade towards the ground. The police let out yelps as they begun to shoot blindly throughout the area, but were left surprised to see that no one had been there when the smoke dissipated.
"Secure the area."