It is vivid that social media is heavily used by students to learn
464 Quran and Hadith. These platforms allow students to
465 exchange and share information with their peers (Al-rahmi
466 et al., 2015). The major aim of the study was to explore the
467 impact of several factors on collaborative learning and stu-
468 dents’ satisfaction which lead to a better learners’ perfor-
469 mance. TAM was the ground of the proposed model used in
470 the current study and that involved seven constructs: perceived
471 usefulness, perceived enjoyment, and perceived ease of use,
472 social media use, collaborative learning, students’ satisfaction
473 and learners’ performance. An online questionnaire with 41
474 items was used to measure these constructs and was analyzed
475 using structural equation modeling (SEM) technique. The
476 results highlighted that both collaborative learning and stu-
477 dents’ satisfaction have a positive influence on learners’ perfor-
478 mance in the context on learning Quran and Hadith. It is
479 notable that the construct of students’ satisfaction has the
480 greatest influence. It also revealed the high satisfaction by stu-
481 dents using social media enhances collaborative learning which
482 leads to a better performance. The current study recommends
483 that future studies include other and extra elements to assess
484 the influence of the different factors on learners’ performance
485 through collaborative learning.