Estimating the value of the monitored variable
mAltBelow relies on the first six input variables
listed in Table 5: the three values provided by the
altimeters and the three indicators of validity of the
altimeter information. If at least one of the
altimeters indicates that the altitude is below the
threshold and if that altimeter information is valid,
then the ASW considers the altitude below the
threshold, i.e., mAltBelow is true. Otherwise,
mAltBelow is false. Table 6 contains a condition
table that defines the value of mAltBelow as a
function of the six altimeter inputs. In Table 6, kAlt
represents the threshold altitude 2000 feet.
Relation D-OUT specifies how estimates of
the values of the controlled variables are used to
drive the output devices. In the ASW, the single
controlled variable c WakeupDOI provides this
estimate. The value of the output variable
oDOIPower is simply a copy of the value of
cWakeupDO1, i.e., oDOIPower = cWakeupDO1.