Cubism in architecture revolved around the same principle of breaking down and reconstitution of form, using simple geometric shapes, often juxtaposed without any classical obligations. Hence, cubism was one movement in architecture that did no have any root in the past.
In 1912, an installation was exhibited at the Salon d’Automme that quickly came to be known as the Maison Cubist (Cubist House), signed by Raymond Duchamp Villon and Andre Mare with a group of collaborators. They wrote about the autonomous nature of art, stressing the point that decorative consideration should not govern the spirit of art. Decorative work to them was the antithesis of the whole picture.
Cubism and its ideology influenced every single movement of architecture that followed right from functionalism, formism, art deco, organic architecture and deconstruction etc.
The beauty of the cubist ideology lies in the fact that it cannot be perfected, because every single individual has his own perspective and one’s perspective is not remotely similar to another. Besides one can never tire of looking at something inspired by cubism because it may mean something to us today and completely different tomorrow.