Bearing in mind that the addition of electrons and protons to
intermediates or even the deprotonation of these intermediates
could occur in parallel with CO2 reduction to furnish other products
[4], we attempted to understand the dynamic behavior of
the products generated at the Cu/Cu2O electrode. For this purpose,
we monitored the products originating from the photoelectrochemical
CO2 reduction under 0.3 mol L1 sodium carbonate solution
(basically HCO3
solution), pH 9, UV–vis radiation, at +0.20 V,
as illustrated in Fig. 4
Bearing in mind that the addition of electrons and protons tointermediates or even the deprotonation of these intermediatescould occur in parallel with CO2 reduction to furnish other products[4], we attempted to understand the dynamic behavior ofthe products generated at the Cu/Cu2O electrode. For this purpose,we monitored the products originating from the photoelectrochemicalCO2 reduction under 0.3 mol L1 sodium carbonate solution(basically HCO3 solution), pH 9, UV–vis radiation, at +0.20 V,as illustrated in Fig. 4
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