Please find attached Baseline Schedule for FTP Procurement.
It is saved in the following location in the project folder:
J:ONSHORE201413877 FTP-PU6-SCH6002-Master Schd13877 Baseline Schedule Rev A.xlsx
If anyone doesn’t have access to this project folder please speak to Khun Jump to open it up for you.
This reflects Project revenue and cost only and will be used to prepare the project budget and as the basis for weekly/monthly reporting of project performance.
Please could you now prepare a working cash flow on this Baseline, including VAT and WHT, but without Interest, LC, Bank Guarantee costs (as these are not cash draws).
Your cash flow will then be used as the basis for funds drawdown and cash reporting.
I recommend you add the working cash flow as an additional tab to the worksheet but please don’t change anything in the schedule.
We will then discuss in detrail and finalise at Tuesday’s meeting.
Many thanks